Getting outside boosts wellness

Grandma was right…make sure to get outside every day

“Make sure to get outside. Fresh air and sunshine is good for you.” I can still hear my grandmother telling us this as she shooed us out the front door. Every summer growing up, I visited my grandparents in upstate New York. Being outside all day was a big part of the draw for me, my brother, and our cousins (all boys). No matter what, we spent part of each day outdoors. If we didn’t come up with a plan by late morning, she would have us raking leaves around camp. Raking leaves was pretty much a constant option if we lacked imagination. During those summers, I learned the many ways nature is good for you. It helped distract my homesickness when I was little. It kept me active so I slept well. I would return home from New York healthy and ready to start a new school year. I can still smell the pine trees even now. Here are 3 ways getting outside boosts wellness.

Nature is good for our mental health

Many of us find getting outside a natural place to go when we feel anxious or depressed. There is science to back this up. Being outdoors boosts serotonin which leads to an improved mood. It can also reduce cortisol…the stress hormone. A study at UC Berkeley backs this up. Researchers found “that nature is a source for better health and well-being for stressed-out undergrads and at-risk populations.” Whether these individuals were suffering from minor stress or severe anxiety and depression, even just 20-30 minutes of getting outside boosts wellness.

A daily dose of nature can boost immunity

It’s not just our mental wellness which benefits from a long walk or a few minutes in the garden. We get vitamin D from sunshine. This benefits our bodies in countless ways. Getting outside boosts our immunity. During COVID-19, there has been a lot of talk about vitamin D and the role in can play in helping to boost our immunity and ability to fight off infections. Just a short time outdoors each day (10-15 minutes) around noon was found to be the most effective way to boost vitamin D naturally.

Getting outside can help with sleep

So many of us struggle with sleep. Getting outside helps our body set its circadian rhythm and also provides deeper sleep. Studies have found nature to help with the regulation of body temperature as well. All of us know how miserable we can feel both mentally and physically without enough sleep….or with fitful sleep. Take some time to get outside and let nature give you a good night’s sleep.

Getting outside boosts wellness…the natural way

The benefits of nature are clear and for most of us (even city dwellers), there are ways to get out and enjoy nature nearby. Try scheduling 10-15 minutes a day by taking a quick walk at lunchtime or walking the dog when you get home. Often a walk beneath the trees is particularly soothing for me. (Learn more about my forest bathing in California, here). In this era of telecommuting, the backyard can become an office on pleasant days. Your grandma was right. Getting outside boosts wellness. It turns out nature is good medicine.

To read more about our 8 Ways to Wellness read this blog post. And don’t miss out on our FREE resource, 8 Quick Ways to Boost Wellness, which you can get here.

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