A bit about me

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and let’s have a chat….

So how did the whole three quarters full thing happen?

Hi, I’m Alice. As long as I can remember, I’ve always looked at the glass as “half full.” This doesn’t mean things are always good. It’s just the way I am wired. Ask anyone who knows me well and they will say that it can be helpful or irritating depending on the day. One of my closest friends, who has no doubt seen both sides of the coin, took to calling me “three quarters” because of my propensity to creatively twist even the blackest clouds into clouds with silver linings. One day, we were having coffee and she asked me why I see things that way. Hmm….I thought. Then the simplest answer came to me. “Because half is not enough and there’s always a little bit more.”  It sounds a bit “Pollyanna-ish” but it’s rooted in the extraordinary women who have surrounded me in my life.

extraordinary women have shaped my life

My dear friend is one in a long line of incredible women who influence me. I come from a family of fierce and determined women. They were matriarchs and feminists during the years when that was frowned upon. When I sat beside each of them and listened to their life stories and advice, there were things I could not image surviving….much less thriving through. But that is what they did. They faced life’s toughest storms and made it to the other shore. I think about them as I go about the moments of life both big and small. They provide me with encouragement….and a firm shove when I need it. As I set about writing this blog, I hope to honor their spirit and introduce you to each of them along the way.

my faith is what sustains me

For the purposes of full disclosure, you should know my “half full” view is also rooted in my faith. I’m a minister’s kid and I was taught from birth to talk with God, learn from Jesus and to rely on the Spirit. While I am a Christian, I learn from people of other faiths and believe God understands all these theological differences better than I do….and loves us all. I can’t believe that God gives us only a “half full” life. Maybe seeing the fuller side (and actively looking for the little bit extra) is rooted in trusting God to provide that assurance during times when the cup feels closer to empty.

join me as we fill our cups…at least three quarters full

My wish for you, no matter your present circumstances, is that you find a way to see the blessings in your life, learn from the examples around you, and find a way to live with a “three quarters full” mindset.  Remember, even in the hardest times….there’s always a little bit more.