8 Quick Ways to Wellness

What are your ways to wellness? Do you feel stressed? Is your body rebelling against your anxiety? Do you have so much to do that you really can’t imagine making time for wellness? Try one (or all of these) simple actions now to reduce stress.

You aren’t alone. I have spent most of my life battling anxiety and depression and learning ways to keep myself mentally well. These are the 8 ways to wellness which I consider my tools in my wellness toolbox. Try any one of these tips on those days when you need a little extra self-care. Use them regularly to boost your wellness….body, mind and spirit. An added bonus….they are simple and quick. Take as little as 5 minutes to refresh.

Step Outside

Feeling stressed out? Just step outside. It sounds so simple, but nature can be good medicine. While each of us experiences nature in a unique way and through a variety of activities, just walking out the front door and walking the dog can provide a boost. There is just something about fresh air and sunshine (or clouds) which grounds us.

Get Moving

Mind racing? Just get moving. No matter where you are at a given moment, find a way to move. Get up from your desk and walk around the office. Gather up the kids and take them for a walk outside. Turn on some music and dance around the kitchen. Even 5 minutes will get those endorphins flowing.

Find Quiet

Not feeling yourself? Go and find some quiet. Sometimes we don’t realize how much noise there is surrounding us. Take a moment to become aware of the sources of sound. Is the dishwasher running? Is the TV on? Maybe the neighbor is mowing the lawn. Turn off the noise you can control. Use noise cancelling headphones or find a quieter space and just sit with the quiet for a few minutes.

Be Social

Feeling lonely? Schedule time to be social. This is a particular stress during COVID-19. So many people are literally cut off from socializing. Interacting with others can physiologically reduce our anxiety levels. If getting together in person isn’t an option, pick up the phone and call someone. Even something as quick as a socially-distanced conversation with a neighbor can help.

Help Someone

Feeling defeated? Do something to help someone else. Sometimes focusing on another is the best way to get your mind of your problems. It can be as simple as sending someone a text or writing a note to a friend. Or just send out a prayer for the mom at the grocery store whose kids are in full meltdown mode.

Be Creative

Feeling inadequate? Find an activity where you can be creative. There is just something about creativity which elevates us. Try picking up that paintbrush or crochet hook. In addition to providing a needed distraction, creativity activates our brain in ways which reduce stress.

Learn Something

Feeling uninspired? Try to learn something new or rekindle something you enjoy. The work our minds go through when learning something new is healthy for our brain. Whether it’s learning to speak a new language, rediscovering a favorite instrument, or taking an online class, these activities actually make positive change in our brain. You will be surprised how much you can learn if you just allocate 5-10 minutes a day.

Just Unplug

Feeling overwhelmed? Just unplug from everything. Shut everything off….phone, computer, tv, music and detox. This calms the mind whether for a few minutes or a few days. It’s becoming more and more common to take a social media break. This time for our mind to rest from the constant inundation of “noise” and “information” is an easy step toward wellness.

So, if you’re feeling stressed out, pick one of these tips. Or just randomly mix 5 minutes of one of them during your day. It’s like taking a deep breath. These quick and simple ways to wellness can impact your mental wellness in a positive way.

If you’re ready to start focusing on wellness, get your FREE copy of 8 Quick Ways to Wellness here.

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