
Living Three Quarters Full

Living three quarters full…there’s always a little bit more

You just know it when you see it: a person who’s a great example of living three quarters full. They see life as more than half full. People who realize there is always a little bit more good in life. Not too long ago, I was moved while watching the funeral of our First Lady Barbara Bush. What an amazing life! The eulogies of family and friends were beautiful, heartfelt and funny. It was impossible to listen and not be touched by how many people loved her and how many lives she impacted. What struck me is how much we all long for this….the knowledge we have made a lasting impact on people and the world. This realization got me thinking about a conversation with my close friend shortly after that memorial service.

How I got the nickname

My friend has a nickname for me, “three quarters.” Not only are we friends, but we also work together. No matter how dire the situation, there is often a point in our conversation when I will make the point of sharing an overly sunny optimistic prediction. One day I was wearing my favorite “Life is Good” t-shirt with a coffee mug on it that says “half full.” She took one look at it and said, “it should say ‘three quarters full’ for you.” And on a day not long after our conversation, I said something very over-the-top and optimistic about our work situation and she replied, “There you go, Miss Three Quarters. Why do you always think that way?” And out popped my reply, “Because half is not enough. There’s always a little bit more.” My blog name and tagline were created in that moment.

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