
Winning the Last 90 Days Requires Preparation

Frankly, motivation at the beginning of the year is easy. It’s a fresh start with so many exciting plans…but then life gets in the way. What about the things pushed aside? What about the anxiety that comes from all those “to do” lists? The last 90 days requires preparation, so let’s get started.

Gather your tools. The last 90 days requires preparation.
Gather tools for planning your last 90 days.

Review goals for 2018

Consult your goals and make a list. For me, it looks like this: Things I wanted to do more: 1)  deepen my connection to God; 2) work on my home; 3) focus on my family and 4) start building my business. And things I wanted to  to do less :  1) eliminate “yes” as a reflexive answer; 2) reduce time spent reacting to others priorities; and 3) implement a time management system.

Celebrate goals met

I love to check things off my list, so look back over the last 9 months. Like me, you will realize you  accomplished things. I learned to say “no” or “let me get back to you” instead of an automatic “yes.” Additionally, an excellent time management system, Getting Things Done, helped me take control of my time and reduced stress. Likewise, continuing a comprehensive workout and nutrition program with a coach, Total Health Counseling, set me up for success in those areas. Celebrate what you’ve achieved!

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