Tiptoe gently through blue holidays

Do you feel a bit tentative going into the holidays? Holidays can be difficult for a variety of reasons. Here are a few ways to tiptoe gently through the season this year and maybe find joy and blessings in the midst of the blue holidays.

Slow down

When we think of the holidays, many of us picture holiday movies in our minds. We see people rushing this way and that…shopping, traveling, parties, and the list goes on. Everyone is in such a hurry. All of this scurrying around can be festive and fun. However, there are times in our lives when we just don’t feel like it. And that’s OK.

Blue holidays happen during seasons of loss, change or sadness. It can be very helpful to slow down. Go through the calendar and only attend the activities which spark joy for you. There are no hard and fast rules about how you must acknowledge the holidays. In the end, the season is about being thankful, spending time with those we love and spreading kindness. None of those things needs to be rushed.

Look for blessings

Once we slow down, it is so much easier to see the blessings in our lives. My father passed suddenly over the summer. My best friend gave me some wonderful advice. She told me to stay present and mindful; be aware of my surroundings; and notice the blessings which will appear. She was right. When I intentionally slowed down and paid attention…there were so many little signs. My father called this serendipity. Those things which are so specific they couldn’t possibly be a coincidence.

On Sunday, our pastor discussed the importance of gates in the Bible. Did you know gates are mentioned over 100 times in the scriptures? She read the story of Jacob falling asleep and seeing a ladder going up to heaven. Angels were going up and down. In the midst of an ordinary (and slow) moment, Jacob saw a gateway to heaven. God met him right there. Rarely do these moments of holiness occur while we’re running around getting things done. Slow down and look for the blessings. They are there all around us.

Spread quiet joy

When we slow down and notice the blessings, we are given a huge gift, possibly a chance to heal, and a great opportunity. These holy moments open us up to times when we can share. Sometimes we literally share the blessing with someone who will be equally excited and understand. Other times, it softens our hearts and allows us to notice those who could use a blessing, too. When you aren’t rushing, you have time to notice the mom whose toddler is having a temper tantrum and give her an understanding smile while you whisper a silent prayer for peace for her and her child.

Keep your eyes open this holiday season…especially if you are experiencing blue holidays. You are never alone. God is always there waiting to give you comfort and a glimpse inside the gate. When you experience those sacred moments, give thanks. If you feel like sharing, take a moment to notice someone and pass along a blessing.

Next week: Standing in the in-between

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