
Imagine what change will look like

(Part 3 in a series on navigating difficult changes in life.)

Just imagine what change will look like on the other side. So many of us do whatever we can to avoid change but what if we wondered what our life would be like afterwards. This can be a great start. It’s just a reality that we will encounter change. But our mind plays a huge role in what it feels like when change happens.

A woman looks out to see and imagines what the change coming in her life will look like.

Imagine what change will look like

Change is almost universally dreaded. Part of the reason is because one change often involves other changes. Then there is the fact that our brain naturally responds to change as a threat. The status quo is a known, but something new might be bad…. or it could be good. We can harness the power of our brain to imagine what change will look like. So, the next time your mind is racing through everything which could go wrong, ask yourself, “What if this change is good for me?” Just using this tool whenever fear rises up can make a difference in how your body and mind respond. Imagining what change will look like helps us in the transition.

Ask yourself, “What’s in it for me?”

Our imagination can make change more palatable if we ask ourselves, “What’s in it for me (a.k.a. WIIFM)?” This question is used for change management in the workplace. There is a great deal of research to back up its use. It can work for you, too. Change is easier to swallow if we imagine what we will get in return. Each of us is motivated by individual things. So, think about a change you are making and figure out a way to make it a “win.”

Change is necessary for growth and development

Using our imagination to navigate change is not just a thought experiment or toxic positivity. Whether we asked for it or not, change helps up learn new things and become aware of opportunities we might not have expected. Even when the change leads to something less desirable, it often helps us grow more resilient and decreases our anxiety the next time change rears its ugly head. So, imagine what change will look like. It helps.

Imagine what life without the change looks like

It’s impossible to avoid change. We can actually rely on our own imagination to start anticipating how this change might help us grow personally or professionally. It can be helpful to think back over our lives so far and focus on the big changes and how they transformed our lives. Whether the changes were pleasant (getting married) or negative (losing a loved one), the person we become on the other side of change is different. So, I encourage you to imagine how you will be different after you go through this latest change and invite creativity and your imagination to lead the way.

Don’t miss next week’s blog about step 3….Visualizing change

If you haven’t read the last two blogs about navigating change, start here:

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